What The “Hack” Is About

Somatic Mobility Drills hack the Mind-Muscle feedback loop. Put Your Mind Into Your Muscle— Repetition is scientifically proven to enhance body awareness and performance.

Spark the Stretch Reflex— Lengthen & tone muscles, and Alchemize Nervous System Function— Hack the somatic nervous system to work for, instead of against, your optimal strength and flexibility.

SOmatic Mobility Drills: yoga Hacks Immersion

Put Your Mind In Your Muscle.

Hack the Somatic Reflex to work for—not against you. Use the brain-body feedback loop to your advantage for lasting physical gains. Retrain Your Brain and nervous system to work together to improve motor skills, muscle tone, and joint health. Improve the longevity of your yoga practice!

An evolutionary approach to vinyasa practices with a twist on classical fitness workouts that integrates Reps (Repetitions), and Sets (groups of Repetitions) called Somatic Mobility Yoga Drills, into yoga sequences. Build strength, safely increase flexibility, and gain a lasting range of motion.

SMD combines five different types of contractions into mini-sequences for improved power, precision, proprioception, and pain relief. I refer to Drills mini-sequences as "Yoga Reps".

yoga Hacks: 5-Day FREE CHallenge

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You will have access to the Challenge whenever you need it at my online studio.

WHAT THE CHALLENGE IS ABOUT - Click to Listen here

I’ve created a neuroscience-based somatic fitness approach that uses PNF Techniques to effortlessly, and safely hack your nervous system into a healthy range of motion.

Flexibility is overrated in the yoga world. Let’s start by increasing your stability and mobility for a new, healthy range of motion. Stability and mobility require that your strength matches your flexibility and joint mobility. Injury and pain occur when there is an imbalance in any of these three areas. SMD does this for you. 

Enjoy! Alyson